1. Essentials of research methods in health, physical education, exercise science, and recreation
Author: / Kris E. Berg, Richard W. Latin
Library: Central Library of University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: Research- methods,Physical Education and Training,Recreation,Exercise

2. Essentials of research methods in health, physical education, exercise science, and recreation
Author: / Kris E. Berg, Richard W. Latin
Library: Razi Psychiatric Center Library (Tehran)
Subject: Research- methods,Physical Education and Training,Recreation,Exercise

3. Essentials of research methods in health, physical education, exercise science, and recreation
پدیدآورنده : Berg, Kris E.,3491-,Kris E. Berg, Richard W. Latin
موضوع : ، Research, Methodology,، Technical writing,، Medical sciences, Research, Methodology,، Physical education and training, Research, Methodology,، Recreation, Research, Methodology,، Physical Education and Training,، Research, methods,، Exercise,، Recreation
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
4. Essentials of research methods in health, physical education, exercise science, and recreation
Author: / Kris E. Berg, Richard W. Latin
Library: Central library of medical university of Isfahan (Esfahan)
Subject: Physical Education and Training,Recreation,Exercise,Research- methods

5. Principles and methods of adapted physical education and recreation
Author: Kristi Roth...]et al.[
Library: Central Library and Documentation Center (Kerman)
Subject: methods ، Physical education and training,، Recreation
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